Maxx, Emma, Nina and Alaska with the JH x GG boards
“Together with legendary snowboarder Marko Grilc we were planning on doing a special Limited Edition. But the unexpected happened. While preparing for filming, he had a fatal accident. First, I didn't want to believe he was no longer with us. He was so full of life!
Less than a year after this tragic event, his wife Nina Grilc and I agreed to carry out the project that will help his message and spirit to live on. Together, we created four designs that embody the spirit of the Grilc family – one design for each family member.”
Jakob Hocevar, Founder of JH BOARDS
JH Boards x GG
In this collaboration, there are four skateboards, each representing a Grilo family member.
The whole design in symbolizing family unity and eternal connection. Each board has engraved silhouettes of Jackson Hole and Absolute Park mountains, different icons with a special meaning, and a detailed graphic combining Ninas and Marko’s tattoos. The colour varies from each skateboard.
Every board is handmade in Slovenia from quality materials.
To see the collection in full go to www.jhboards.com