Nitro Presents T1 x FFF - A short film
19 years is a long time for any snowboard to be in production but the Nitro T1 has reached this grand old age for a good reason. The T1 is a fun and playful board that is the go to for many of the Nitro team such as Dominik Wagner, Benny Urban and many more.
This years T1 is a collaboration with Fabian Fuchs (FFF), a Stuttgart based artist and good friends with Benny Urban, Dominik Wagner, Nils Arvidsson and Yanneck Konda.
Dominik Wagner and Benny Urban on the T1
Nitro Snowboards was founded by Thomas Delago and Sepp Ardelt in Seattle, Washington, in 1990 and is the pioneer of many of today´s industry standards. Nitro is a global family-oriented company based in Oberammergau, Germany, where both co-founders live. Nitro believes that people are the essential part of all aspects of snowboarding and is one of the original snowboarder-owned brands that continue to innovate, inspire and, improve how people experience the outdoors through snowboarding. Besides creating products that give people the best experience on the mountain, the main goal is to support the people and the snowboarding communities worldwide who have and continue to make Nitro Snowboards was founded by Thomas Delago and Sepp Ardelt in Seattle, Washington, in 1990 and is the pioneer of many of today´s industry standards. Nitro is a global family-oriented company based in Oberammergau, Germany, where both co-founders live. Nitro believes that people are the essential part of all aspects of snowboarding and is one of the original snowboarder-owned brands that continue to innovate, inspire and, improve how people experience the outdoors through snowboarding. Besides creating products that give people the best experience on the mountain, the main goal is to support the people and the snowboarding communities worldwide who have and continue to make snowboarding what it is today.
“And finally: It’s about you, our customer. Every time you get out there to ride, we feel proud if we can contribute a part of your gear to make your snowboarding experience more fun. And we take this responsibility seriously, as we value every snowboarder out there, whatever their style or level might be. After all, it’s about people.”
- Thomas Delago (Nitro Co-Founder) what it is today.
“And finally: It’s about you, our customer. Every time you get out there to ride, we feel proud if we can contribute a part of your gear to make your snowboarding experience more fun. And we take this responsibility seriously, as we value every snowboarder out there, whatever their style or level might be. After all, it’s about people.”
- Thomas Delago (Nitro Co-Founder)