Product Review: Fubuki Niseko 2.0 Winter Boots
The Fubuki Niseko 2.0 Boot
In the early days of my snowboarding life, I would pick fashion over comfort every-time and would always walk around the snowy towns in regular skate shoes. As time passed, I got tired of always having cold and wet feet and started to look at more sensible alternatives. If you are after something practical and a little quirky, then perhaps Fubuki is something for you.
By Tom Kingsnorth
Fubuki are warm, waterproof and offer great grip.
Fubuki (which means Snowstorm in Japanese) is a Swedish company that got inspired by the traditional Japanese construction boots that they wear in the snow. They have taken that model and enhanced it by making them lighter, 100% waterproof, 100% windproof and as an extra bonus they are incredibly warm too. They are available in a variety of colours.
Multiple Colour options for the Niseko 2.0
Whilst you might not be bold enough to wear these into a pub, you would certainly enjoy the walk there, as they are very comfortable and the lightweight construction is a far cry from the traditional rubber boots. There is also a lower boot called the Niseko low 2.0, which offers less construction worker vibes.
At first I was struggling to work out where I would actually wear these boots but I gave them a chance and then the amount of uses became more obvious. Shovelling snow in the driveway would be a great option, also walking the dog through snowy fields would be another and if you like us spend hours at inner city big air jump competitions, these would be a really good choice of footwear for those too. Whilst they might be a bit bulky to take on trips abroad, for life around town in winter, the Niseko 2.0 boot has a surprisingly good amount of practical uses.
Models with warm feet
You can find out more about Fubuki on their website here.