KORUA Shapes – YEARNING FOR TURNING VOL. 11 – Blitz & Donner
We’re incredibly excited to announce a return to the stage of Yearning For Turning with “Blitz & Donner”. YFT 11 centers around a trip we did to Tahoe, California in February of 2024 with a colorful crew of friendly faces, visiting various resorts and spots around the Donner Pass area, and mostly commuting from an AirBNB way out in Portola, CA.

Laax Boarding with Stale Sandbech and Torgeir Bergrem
One of our favorite resorts to ride. So much options from all type of terrain, to one of the biggest & best parks in the world. Highly recommended destination to check out.

ALBUM x KORUA – Drawing Parallels / Part Two
Album Surf x KORUA Shapes presents “Drawing Parallels” – a three part short film series about a creative collaboration, drawing the parallels between surf and snow.

Korua presents "Eleven By One" – A Film by Morgan Maassen
IIXI or “Eleven By One” is a collection of eleven one-minute vignettes that each stand on their own, but are also designed and created to fit into a greater body of work.

Korua Shapes: Earning Your Turning – Splitboard Edition
The very first splitboard edition of our Yearning For Turning series, aptly named Earning Your Turning, features a blast of Korua Shapes’ favorite moments from a travel-free winter we spent at home in Switzerland.

Korua Shapes: In Action - Noserider
Introducing the NOSERIDER! Korua Shapes’ latest addition to the Concept Line features a full length insert track all the way to the nose, offering unlimited stance options for you to experiment with to achieve completely different riding sensations. Enjoy thinking outside the box!

Korua Shapes – Rain Dogs

Korua Shapes - SUNŌKERU

Korua Shapes' "Yearning For Turning" Episode 8

Korua Shapes' "Yearning For Turning" Episode 7

Korua Shapes' "Yearning For Turning" Episode 6

Korua Shapes' "Yearning for Turning" Episode 5

Korua Shapes' "Yearning For Turning" Episode 4

Korua Shapes' "Yearning For Turning" Episode 3