FW welcomes Alek Oestreng to the Team
Personality, News Stefan Götschl Personality, News Stefan Götschl

FW welcomes Alek Oestreng to the Team

FW are excited to announce that Alek Oestreng is joining the FW team. Growing up outside of Oslo, Norway, Alek's early career focused on the freestyle side of snowboarding, before shifting focus to exploring the whole mountain and finding natural jumps and transitions.

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A Tribute to Marko “Grilo” Grilc
Personality Stefan Götschl Personality Stefan Götschl

A Tribute to Marko “Grilo” Grilc

The first thing I noticed about Grilo was his laugh. It was one of those laughs that came from deep down inside of him. You could walk into a room at an event and you would know he was there by simply listening out for it. His laugh was loud, contagious and once you heard it; it was unforgettable. It wouldn’t take you long to hear it either.

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